Black Type Race

Virginia Derby - L, $0, CNL,

10/03/98, , 1 1/4m, 2:00.20, T, FM
Margins: 3, 2, hd Odds: 1.4, 2, 15.1
1-- Crowd Pleaser, 117, h, 30, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Creaking Board (GB) by Night Shift
2nd Dam: Happy Landing (Fr) by Homing (GB)
3rd Dam: Laughing Goddess (Ire) by Green God (Ire)
B: George Strawbridge, Jr.
$150,000 Lifetime: 12-6-0-1, $315,351
2-- Distant Mirage (Ire), 115, h, 30, by Caerleon
1st Dam: Desert Bluebell by Kalaglow (Ire)
2nd Dam: Idle Waters by Mill Reef
3rd Dam: by
B: Tullamaine Castle Stud And Partners
$50,000 Lifetime: 8-2-2-1, $99,617
3-- Errant Escort, 115, c, 2025, by Devil's Bag
1st Dam: Duty Dance by Nijinsky II
2nd Dam: Discipline by Princequillo (GB)
3rd Dam: Lady Be Good by Better Self
B: Ogden Mills Phipps
$27,500 Lifetime: 12-2-3-3, $101,310

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