Black Type Race

Champagne S. - G1, $0, BEL,

10/10/98, , 1 1/16m, 1:42.80, SY
Margins: 2 3/4, 2, 1/2 Odds: 6.5, 2.55, 5.5
1-- The Groom Is Red, 122, h, 29, by Runaway Groom
1st Dam: Sheena's Gold by Fast Gold
2nd Dam: Afasheen (GB) by Sheshoon (GB)
3rd Dam: Aimee (GB) by
B: Virginia Mullins & David L. Mullins
$240,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1, $290,500
2-- Lemon Drop Kid, 122, h, 29, by Kingmambo
1st Dam: Charming Lassie by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Lassie Dear by Buckpasser
3rd Dam: Gay Missile by Sir Gaylord
B: W. S. Farish & W. S. Kilroy
$80,000 Lifetime: 5-2-2-1, $202,070
3-- Weekend Money, 122, c, 2025, by Tactical Advantage
1st Dam: Kiwi Princess by Dr. Carter
2nd Dam: Proud Nova by Proud Birdie
3rd Dam: Startex by Ide
B: Marablue Farm
$44,000 Lifetime: 9-1-5-2, $85,990

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