Black Type Race

Finger Lakes Breeders' Cup S. - G3, $0, FL,

06/20/98, , 6f, 1:08.20, FT
Margins: 2, 1, 2 3/4 Odds: 1.1, 1.15, 19.2
1-- Kelly Kip, 119, h, 31, by Kipper Kelly
1st Dam: Marianne Theresa by John's Gold
2nd Dam: Chalk Lullah by
3rd Dam: Lullah Lullah by
B: Hobeau Farm, Ltd.
$128,640 Lifetime: 21-10-2-3, $720,797
2-- Affirmed Success, 115, h, 31, by Affirmed
1st Dam: Towering Success by Irish Tower
2nd Dam: Social Lesson by Forum
3rd Dam: Cherry Red by Eurasian
B: Fried Albert Jr
$42,880 Lifetime: 7-4-1-1, $159,180
3-- Lucayan Prince, 113, h, 32, by Fast Play
1st Dam: Now That's Funny by Saratoga Six
2nd Dam: Tropical Cream by Creme Dela Creme
3rd Dam: Tropic Star 2nd by
B: Airdrie Partnership
$21,440 Lifetime: 23-4-6-5, $306,960

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