Black Type Race

Ballade S. (R) $23,793, WO,

06/17/98, , 6f, 1:09.80, GD
Margins: 1/2, 2 1/2, 3 1/2 Odds: 0.55, 6.55, 9.65
1-- Angel's Tearlet, 113, m, 2025, by Silver Deputy
1st Dam: Willowy Miss by Dust Commander
2nd Dam: Nantopic by Ahoy
3rd Dam: Topic by Discreet Cat
B: Dr. P. O'Brien & F. O'Brien
$22,050 Lifetime: 22-5-6-2, $145,591
2-- Rare Executive, 119, f, 2025, by Bold Executive
1st Dam: Should Say by Oh Say
2nd Dam: Dame Cornwall by Viceregal
3rd Dam: Lady Cornwall by
B: Pedigree Farms
$7,350 Lifetime: 16-4-3-4, $121,329
3-- Lady Vice, 113, f, 2025, by Vice Regent
1st Dam: Impulsive Lady by
2nd Dam: Miss Cartujo by
3rd Dam: Gina Gale by
B: Kirby Canada Farm
$4,041 Lifetime: 27-4-2-4, $87,074

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