Black Type Race

Gp Del Jockey Club - G1, €264,862, MLA,

10/18/98, , 1 3/8m, 2:33.20, T, SF
Margins: 3/4, 6 1/2, 2 1/4 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1st Dam: Early Rising by Grey Dawn II
2nd Dam: Gliding By by Artie Schiller
3rd Dam: Flying Arch by Arch
$149,048 Lifetime: 17-6-5-1, $1,238,888
2-- Posidonas (GB), 130, h, 2025, by Slip Anchor (GB)
1st Dam: Tamassos (GB) by Dance in Time
2nd Dam: Salamina (Ire) by Welsh Pageant (Fr)
3rd Dam: Femme Elite by
$79,112 Lifetime: 24-8-4-5, $620,277
3-- Ungaro (Ger), 130, h, 31, by Goofalik
1st Dam: Ustina (Ger) by Star Appeal
2nd Dam: Unwetter (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Union (Ger) by
$47,120 Lifetime: 16-7-2-2, $788,373

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