Black Type Race

Pr Des Chenes - G3, €56,780, LCP,

09/13/98, , 7f, 1:49.60, T, SF
Margins: shd, 6, nk Odds: 0, 0, 0
Also Ran: Groover,
1-- Grazalema, 128, c, 2025, by Storm Bird
1st Dam: Dellagrazia by Trempolino
2nd Dam: Autocratic (Ire) by Tyrant
3rd Dam: Flight Table by Round Table
B: Premier Bloodstock
T: Fabre Andre
J: Peslier O
$38,720 Lifetime: 3-2-1-0, $59,845
2-- Way of Light, 128, h, 29, by Woodman
1st Dam: Salchow by Nijinsky II
2nd Dam: Coup de Folie by Halo
3rd Dam: Raise The Standard by Hoist the Flag
B: Flaxman Holdings, Ltd.
T: Bary P
J: Asmussen C
$14,080 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $28,984
3-- Zeitz (Fr), 128, c, 2025, by Zieten
1st Dam: Zarzaya by Caro (Ire)
2nd Dam: Zahra (Ire) by Habitat
3rd Dam: Petite Etoile (GB) by
B: Lexingstar Breeding Ltd And Marquesa De Mortalla
T: Johnston M
J: Holland D
$7,040 Lifetime: 2-1-0-1, $13,085

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