Black Type Race

Apple Blossom Handicap - G1, $0, OP,

04/10/98, , 1 1/16m, 1:40.80, FT
Margins: 2 1/2, 5, 7 Odds: 3.1, 3.5, 1.7
1-- Escena, 117, m, 2025, by Strawberry Road (Aus)
1st Dam: Claxton's Slew by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Nutmeg Native by
3rd Dam: Inviting by Exploit
B: Allen E. Paulson
$300,000 Lifetime: 23-7-8-3, $1,285,214
2-- Glitter Woman, 119, m, 2025, by Glitterman
1st Dam: Carols Folly by Taylor's Falls
2nd Dam: No Trespassing by Bob's Dusty
3rd Dam: Private Parking by Traffic Judge
B: Golden Orb Farm & K. David Schwartz
$100,000 Lifetime: 14-7-5-1, $853,085
3-- Toda Una Dama (Arg), 115, m, 2025, by Cipayo (Arg)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Haras La Biznaga
$50,000 Lifetime: 11-5-3-2, $441,150

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