Black Type Race

King Edward 7th S. - G2, £340,828, ASC,

06/19/98, , 1 1/2m, 2:34.60, T, SF
Margins: 2, 2 1/2, 4 Odds: 2.25, 3.5, 20
1-- Royal Anthem, 120, h, 30, by Theatrical (Ire)
1st Dam: In Neon by Ack Ack
2nd Dam: Shamara by
3rd Dam: Palsy Walsy by Lonhro (Aus)
B: John Franks
T: Cecil H R A
J: Fallon K
$124,136 Lifetime: 3-3-0-0, $150,299
2-- Kilimanjaro (GB), 120, h, 2025, by Shirley Heights (GB)
1st Dam: Darara (Ire) by Top Ville (Ire)
2nd Dam: Delsy (Fr) by Abdos (Fr)
3rd Dam: Kelty (Fr) by
T: Stoute M R
J: Kinane M J
$46,719 Lifetime: 6-1-2-0, $72,080
3-- Scorned (Ger), 120, c, 2025, by Ole'
1st Dam: Inscrutable Me by
2nd Dam: Inscrutable Lady by
3rd Dam: Cecelia by Royal Levee
T: Balding I A
J: Whitworth S
$22,656 Lifetime: 7-3-2-1, $91,373

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