Black Type Race

Friar Rock S. - L, $43,140, WO,

03/30/97, , 6f, 1:15.20, SY
Margins: 1 3/4, 1, 4 Odds: 2.1, 10.5, 2.15
Also Ran: Noble Intent,
1-- Set To Sizzle, 119, g, 2025, by Miswaki
1st Dam: Smiling Neatly by Neater
2nd Dam: Steal The Line by Smiling Jack
3rd Dam: Stolen Scepter by
B: Otto Richard
$39,917 Lifetime: 7-4-1-1, $114,845
2-- Neater Peter, 114, c, 2025, by Peterhof
1st Dam: Creeker's Gal by
2nd Dam: Lance Creek by
3rd Dam: Pony Tracks by
B: Jack Johnston
$12,672 Lifetime: 4-1-1-0, $23,052
3-- Judith's Wild One, 121, h, 31, by Once Wild
1st Dam: Salient Feature by
2nd Dam: Wandle by
3rd Dam: Poliniss by Greek Game
B: Seaman Casey
$6,970 Lifetime: 8-4-0-1, $112,600

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