Black Type Race

Juddmonte International S. - G1, £816,552, YRK,

08/19/97, , 1 1/4m, 2:12.20, T, TF
Margins: 1 1/2, 1 1/2, 1 1/4 Odds: 4, 6, 0.8
Also Ran: Bosra Sham,
1-- Singspiel (Ire), 131, h, 33, by In the Wings (GB)
1st Dam: Glorious Song by Halo
2nd Dam: Ballade by Herbager
3rd Dam: Miss Swapsco by Cohoes
B: Gainesborough Stud
T: Stoute M R
J: Dettori L
$324,393 Lifetime: 20-9-8-0, $5,952,610
2-- Desert King (Ire), 123, h, 31, by Danehill
1st Dam: Sabaah by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Dish Dash (GB) by Bustino (GB)
3rd Dam: Loose Cover (GB) by Venture (GB)
B: Irish National Stud Co., Ltd.
T: O'Brien A P
J: Kinane M J
$111,225 Lifetime: 11-5-4-0, $1,029,352
3-- Benny The Dip, 123, h, 2025, by Silver Hawk
1st Dam: Rascal Rascal by Ack Ack
2nd Dam: Savage Bunny by Never Bend
3rd Dam: Tudor Jet by
B: Landon Knight
T: Gosden John H M
J: Ryan W
$52,604 Lifetime: 10-5-3-2, $1,423,546

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