Black Type Race

- G3, £0, DON,

09/11/97, , 2 1/4m, 03:52.200, T, GD
Margins: 1 1/4, NK, 6 Odds: 6, 6.5, 4.5
1-- Canon Can, 126, g, 2025, by Green Dancer
1st Dam: Lady Argyle by Don B.
2nd Dam: Fleet Polly by Fleet Discovery
3rd Dam: Wardoura by
B: Elkay Stables
T: Cecil H R A
J: Fallon K
$30,680 Lifetime: 13-5-1-2, $106,238
1st Dam: Rum Cay by Our Native
2nd Dam: Oraston (GB) by
3rd Dam: Orange Cap (GB) by
T: Elsworth D R C
J: Quinn T
$11,041 Lifetime: 13-5-1-3, $127,865
3-- Further Flight (GB), 126, g, 2025, by Pharly (Fr)
1st Dam: Flying Nelly (Ire) by
2nd Dam: Flying By (GB) by Bleep-Bleep (GB)
3rd Dam: Japhette (Fr) by Vilmorin (GB)
T: Hills B W
J: Hills M
$5,280 Lifetime: 57-22-7-6, $838,753

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