Black Type Race

Waya S. - L, $0, SAR,

08/28/97, , 1 5/8m, 2:47.60, T, SF
Margins: 12, 7, 2 Odds: 7.7, 3.65, 14.9
1-- Born Twice, 114, h, 2025, by Opening Verse
1st Dam: Slew Boyera by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Boyera (Arg) by Pastiche
3rd Dam: Braulia (Arg) by
B: Paulson Allen E.
$35,970 Lifetime: 25-5-1-2, $124,555
2-- Last Approach, 114, m, 2025, by Far Out East
1st Dam: Fast Approach by First Landing
2nd Dam: Pinny Gray by Palestine (GB)
3rd Dam: Pin Up Girl (GB) by
B: George Strawbridge, Jr.
$11,990 Lifetime: 19-5-1-5, $153,399
3-- Grapevine (Ire), 109, m, 31, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: Gossiping by Chati
2nd Dam: Minstinguette by Boldnesian
3rd Dam: Royal Warrant by English Channel
B: Swettenham Stud
$6,594 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1, $39,943

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