Black Type Race

Vodafone Coronation Cup - G1, £494,175, EPS,

06/06/97, , 1 1/2m, 2:37.80, T, TF
Margins: 5, 1/2, 4 Odds: 1.25, 4.5, 14
1-- Singspiel (Ire), 126, h, 33, by In the Wings (GB)
1st Dam: Glorious Song by Halo
2nd Dam: Ballade by Herbager
3rd Dam: Miss Swapsco by Cohoes
B: Gainesborough Stud
T: Stoute M R
J: Dettori L
$185,922 Lifetime: 18-8-8-0, $5,592,170
2-- Dushyantor, 126, h, 32, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: Slightly Dangerous by Roberto
2nd Dam: Where You Lead by Raise a Native
3rd Dam: Noblesse by
B: Juddmonte Farms
T: Cecil H R A
J: Fallon K
$69,384 Lifetime: 9-3-4-0, $642,808
3-- Le Destin (Fr), 126, c, 2025, by Zayyani (Ire)
1st Dam: My Darling (GB) by
2nd Dam: Cistus (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Rosalie (Fr) by
T: Demercastel P
J: Gillet T
$33,161 Lifetime: 20-1-5-3, $240,640

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