Black Type Race

Pr Royal-Oak - G1, €100,648, LCP,

10/26/97, , 1 7/8m, 3:26.60, T, SF
Margins: 6, 3/4, 1 1/2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Ebadiyla (Ire), 119, m, 2025, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: Ebaziya (Ire) by Darshaan (GB)
2nd Dam: Ezana (Ire) by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
3rd Dam: Evisa (Fr) by
T: Oxx John M
J: Mosse G
$66,800 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1, $247,308
2-- Snow Princess (Ire), 127, m, 2025, by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
1st Dam: Karelia by
2nd Dam: Karelina by
3rd Dam: Running Juliet by
T: Lord Huntingdon
J: Fallon K
$26,720 Lifetime: 19-6-3-1, $185,136
3-- Oscar Schindler (Ire), 130, h, 2025, by Royal Academy
1st Dam: Saraday (Ire) by Northfields
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Prendergast K
J: Asmussen C
$13,360 Lifetime: 18-5-3-4, $709,412

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