Black Type Race

Thomas F. Moran S. (R) $0, SUF,

06/07/97, , 1 1/16m, 1:45.60, T, FM
Margins: 5, hd, 3/4 Odds: 1.5, 1.5, 8.7
1-- Choper, 116, h, 2025, by Vigors
1st Dam: Bouncy Barb by Rollicking
2nd Dam: Miss Fairfield by
3rd Dam: Rosepomp by
B: B. E. Stables Inc
$15,600 Lifetime: 18-6-5-2, $106,110
2-- Pick A Dance, 115, c, 2025, by Well Selected
1st Dam: Dance A Nite by
2nd Dam: Twilight Union by
3rd Dam: Twilight Duel by
B: Simoneau Raymond L.
$5,200 Lifetime: 39-4-10-7, $80,880
3-- Lt'l Mandy A, 117, f, 2025, by Blushing Stage
1st Dam: Little V. by Buckfinder
2nd Dam: Mary Mitsu (Ire) by Tarboosh
3rd Dam: Misty Hill (GB) by
B: Venezia Robert
$2,600 Lifetime: 20-4-2-4, $73,380

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