Black Type Race

Tanforan Handicap - G3, $0, BM,

02/15/97, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.60, T, TF
Margins: 8, nk, 1 Odds: 4.2, 13.3, 4.3
1-- River Flyer, 115, h, 34, by Riverman
1st Dam: Young Flyer by Flying Paster
2nd Dam: Youthful Lady by Youth
3rd Dam: Slew by Slewacide
B: Mabee John C. Mr. & Mrs.
$55,000 Lifetime: 22-9-2-2, $570,776
2-- Arrivederci Baby, 113, c, 2025, by Caros Love
1st Dam: Wake Up Baby by
2nd Dam: Gilltown Baby by
3rd Dam: Over Anxious by
B: Spasiano Robert
$20,000 Lifetime: 30-4-9-3, $161,503
3-- Joy of Glory, 113, h, 36, by General Holme
1st Dam: Joy Returned by Big Spruce
2nd Dam: Imajoy by Chieftain
3rd Dam: In Happiness by
B: Warner Josephine P.
$15,000 Lifetime: 35-8-6-9, $362,482

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