Black Type Race

Suffolk Downs Breeder's Cup Hcp - L, $0, SUF,

05/31/97, , 6f, 1:08.60, FT
Margins: 3 3/4, 1/2, 2 1/4 Odds: 2.4, 1.1, 2.9
1-- Western Fame, 113, h, 33, by Gone West
1st Dam: Fariedah by Topsider
2nd Dam: Golden Highlights by Secretariat
3rd Dam: Barely Even by Creme Dela Creme
B: Palides Investments N.V.
$120,000 Lifetime: 19-7-3-2, $287,161
2-- Meadow Monster, 119, h, 34, by Meadowlake
1st Dam: Khanbalic by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Victory Chant by Travelling Victor
3rd Dam: Orchestra by Proper Reality
B: Donald T. Johnson
$40,000 Lifetime: 24-11-5-1, $496,916
3-- Valid Expectations, 116, h, 32, by Valid Appeal
1st Dam: Mepache by Constitution&timeframeBT=20000 #tot">Iron Constitution
2nd Dam: Nowmepache by Hangover
3rd Dam: Fool-Me-Not by
B: Mangurian Harry T. Jr.
$20,000 Lifetime: 20-10-2-3, $460,021

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