Black Type Race

Gateway To Glory S. - L, $0, FPX,

09/25/97, , 1 1/16m, 1:47.00, SY
Margins: 2 3/4, 5, 5 1/2 Odds: 2.4, 4.6, 26.1
1-- The Cynic, 114, c, 2025, by Leo Castelli
1st Dam: Lady Caveat by Caveat
2nd Dam: Royal Advocator by Majestic Prince
3rd Dam: Precious Elaine by Advocator
B: Sellers, Smith & Strauss
$27,500 Lifetime: 3-2-0-0, $49,700
2-- Bridgeport, 114, g, 2025, by Sunny's Halo
1st Dam: Spring In Virginia by Flit-To
2nd Dam: Hava Nice Day by
3rd Dam: Sotto Voce by Tapit
B: Paul Tackett & McMillin Bros.
$8,500 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1, $31,150
3-- Gracious Prize, 114, h, 30, by Prized
1st Dam: My Grace by
2nd Dam: Gracefully Yours by
3rd Dam: Limington by
B: Charles/Clear Valley Stable
$6,000 Lifetime: 6-1-2-1, $22,550

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