Black Type Race

Prince Of Wales' S. - G2, £295,816, ASC,

06/17/97, , 1 1/4m, 2:04.20, T, TF
Margins: 8, 5, 1/2 Odds: 0.36, 10, 10
1-- Bosra Sham, 131, m, 2025, by Woodman
1st Dam: Korveya by Riverman
2nd Dam: Konafa by Damascus
3rd Dam: Royal Statute by Northern Dancer
B: Gerald W. Leigh
T: Cecil H R A
J: Fallon K
$110,223 Lifetime: 8-7-1-0, $867,020
2-- Alhaarth (Ire), 132, h, 32, by Unfuwain
1st Dam: Irish Valley by Irish River (Fr)
2nd Dam: Green Valley 2nd by
3rd Dam: Sly Pola by
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Dettori L
$41,445 Lifetime: 13-6-2-2, $456,417
3-- London News (SAf), 134, h, 2025, by Bush Telegraph (SAf)
1st Dam: Soho Secret (SAf) by Regent Street (Arg)
2nd Dam: Secret Landing by
3rd Dam: Smart Secret by
T: Laird A
J: Whyte D J
$20,068 Lifetime: 1-0-0-1, $20,068

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