Black Type Race

Pr Maurice De Gheest - G1, €119,557, DVL,

08/10/97, , 6f, 1:16.80, T, TF
Margins: 1/2, 3/4, 1 1/2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Occupandiste (Ire), 125, m, 2025, by Kaldoun (Fr)
1st Dam: Only Seule by Lyphard
2nd Dam: Elle Seule by Exclusive Native
3rd Dam: Fall Aspen by Pretense
T: Head Christiane
J: Doleuze O
$79,350 Lifetime: 11-5-1-1, $215,059
2-- Monaassib (GB), 128, c, 2025, by Cadeaux Genereux (GB)
1st Dam: Pluvial (GB) by
2nd Dam: Pelting (GB) by
3rd Dam: Firmament (GB) by Cape Cross (Ire)
T: Dunlop E A L
$31,740 Lifetime: 27-9-7-1, $212,372
3-- Titus Livius (Fr), 128, h, 32, by Machiavellian
1st Dam: Party Doll (GB) by Be My Guest
2nd Dam: Midnight Lady (Fr) by Mill Reef
3rd Dam: Mia Pola by
B: Niarchos S.
T: Pease J E
J: Asmussen C
$15,870 Lifetime: 17-4-3-5, $343,281

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