Black Type Race

Riva Ridge S. - G3, $0, BEL,

06/07/97, , 7f, 1:20.80, FT
Margins: 3 1/4, 1, nk Odds: 0.7, 4, 4.4
1-- Smoke Glacken, 123, h, 31, by Two Punch
1st Dam: Majesty's Crown by Magesterial
2nd Dam: Queen's Crown by King Emperor
3rd Dam: Turn Capp by Turn to Reason
B: Perry M. Rosebrock
$66,060 Lifetime: 12-8-2-1, $549,560
2-- Trafalger, 123, c, 2025, by Storm Bird
1st Dam: Alamosa (GB) by
2nd Dam: Love Smitten by Key to the Mint
3rd Dam: Square Angel by Quadrangle
B: Indian Creek, Hugo Lascelles, Et Al.
$22,020 Lifetime: 12-4-3-2, $201,990
3-- Wild Wonder, 120, h, 31, by Wild Again
1st Dam: Carol's Wonder by Pass the Tab
2nd Dam: Carols Christmas by Whitesburg
3rd Dam: Light Verse by Reverse
B: Verne H. Winchell
$12,111 Lifetime: 8-4-1-2, $182,046

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