Black Type Race

Ben Ali S. - G3, $0, KEE,

04/23/97, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.60, FT
Margins: 13, 1 1/2, 2 1/2 Odds: 0.2, 11.8, 28.5
1-- Louis Quatorze, 119, h, 32, by Sovereign Dancer
1st Dam: On to Royalty by On to Glory
2nd Dam: Royal Ties by Distinctive
3rd Dam: New Love by Pardal (Fr)
B: Georgia E. Hofmann
$66,526 Lifetime: 18-7-5-1, $2,054,434
2-- Knockadoon, 113, h, 33, by Dixieland Band
1st Dam: Double Smooth by Overskate
2nd Dam: So Smooth by Third Martini
3rd Dam: Theonia by
B: Lynne Hindmarsh
$21,460 Lifetime: 21-5-4-2, $446,717
3-- King James, 113, c, 2025, by Greinton (GB)
1st Dam: Hofuf by Liloy (Fr)
2nd Dam: Tipping Time by Commanding II
3rd Dam: Tipping by Kipper Kelly
B: Beresford Joanna W. Mrs.
$10,730 Lifetime: 14-4-2-3, $142,563

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