Black Type Race

Hawthorne Handicap - G2, $0, HOL,

05/25/96, , 1 1/16m, 1:41.20, FT
Margins: hd, 1/2, 6 Odds: 3.6, 0.9, 4.5
1-- Borodislew, 119, m, 2025, by Seattle Slew
1st Dam: Breath Taking (Fr) by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Cap D'Antibes (Aus) by Better Boy (Ire)
3rd Dam: Tereus (Aus) by
B: Janus Bloodstock, Inc.
$64,199 Lifetime: 24-10-2-4, $632,395
2-- Jewel Princess, 120, m, 2025, by Key to the Mint
1st Dam: Jewell Ridge by Melyno (Ire)
2nd Dam: Say What You Mean by Judger
3rd Dam: Call the Queen by Hail to Reason
B: Farnsworth Farms
$21,400 Lifetime: 18-9-1-4, $664,959
3-- Urbane, 118, m, 2025, by Citidancer
1st Dam: Dumfries Pleasure by Pleasant Colony
2nd Dam: Dumfries by Reviewer
3rd Dam: Goofed by Court Martial
B: Frank J. Zureick & Violet Cleveland
$12,840 Lifetime: 14-6-4-3, $642,548

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