Black Type Race

Swale S. - G3, $0, GP,

03/16/96, , 7f, 1:22.40, FT
Margins: 1, 1/2, 2 1/4 Odds: 1, 4.3, 7.7
1-- Roar, 113, h, 32, by Forty Niner
1st Dam: Wild Applause by Northern Dancer
2nd Dam: Glowing Tribute by Graustark
3rd Dam: Admiring by Hail to Reason
B: Claiborne Farm & Adele Dilschneider
$45,000 Lifetime: 8-3-1-2, $95,470
2-- Gomtuu, 119, c, 2025, by Hail the Ruckus
1st Dam: Kitts Lady by
2nd Dam: Kittenish by
3rd Dam: Party Cat by
B: Sunrise Stable South
$15,000 Lifetime: 11-3-4-1, $212,340
3-- Dixie Connection, 112, h, 2025, by Dixieland Band
1st Dam: Perfect Connection by Phone Trick
2nd Dam: Taberet by Viceregal
3rd Dam: Tabola by Round Table
B: Fares Farms, Inc.
$8,250 Lifetime: 6-2-2-1, $51,860

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