Black Type Race

Victoriana S. (R) $54,615, WO,

09/07/96, , 1 1/16m, 1:45.80, T, SF
Margins: 1 1/4, 5 1/4, 2 3/4 Odds: 0.45, 8.75, 21.75
1-- Bold Ruritana, 121, m, 2025, by Bold Ruckus
1st Dam: Stage Queen by Ruritania
2nd Dam: Chilly by
3rd Dam: Cut Flower by
B: Aubrey W. Minshall
$48,600 Lifetime: 39-14-9-6, $1,099,887
2-- K Z Bay, 113, f, 2025, by Charlie Barley
1st Dam: Golden Seal by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Golden Ivy (GB) by Sir Ivor
3rd Dam: Guinea Sparrow (GB) by
B: Kinghaven Farms Limited
$16,200 Lifetime: 12-4-3-1, $43,612
3-- Sylky Market, 113, h, 2025, by Market Control
1st Dam: Molosylk by
2nd Dam: Sno Feather by
3rd Dam: Feather Pillow by
B: T. J. Molony
$8,910 Lifetime: 26-4-1-3, $143,944

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