Black Type Race

Bonusprint Henry 2nd S. - G3, £94,521, SNP,

05/27/96, , 2m, 3:41.20, T, SF
Margins: 7, 1/2, 16 Odds: 0.83, 6, 1.88
1st Dam: Solac (Fr) by Gay Lussac (Ity)
2nd Dam: Soragna by
3rd Dam: Savigny by
T: Johnston M
J: Weaver J
$37,956 Lifetime: 13-9-0-1, $534,616
2-- Assessor (Ire), 127, h, 36, by Niniski
1st Dam: Dingle Bay (Ire) by Petingo (GB)
2nd Dam: Border Bounty (GB) by Bounteous (GB)
3rd Dam: B Flat (GB) by
T: Hannon R
J: Hughes R
$14,364 Lifetime: 29-8-9-6, $685,589
3-- Court Of Honour (Ire), 129, c, 2025, by Law Society
1st Dam: Captive Island (Ire) by
2nd Dam: Icy More (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Arctic Wave (Ire) by
T: Chapple-Hyam P W
J: Reid J
$7,031 Lifetime: 13-3-3-4, $615,865

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