Black Type Race

Distaff Handicap - G2, $0, AQU,

03/23/96, , 7f, 1:24.00, FT
Margins: hd, 6 3/4, 2 3/4 Odds: 1.85, 3.4, 9.5
1-- Lottsa Talc, 120, m, 2025, by Talc
1st Dam: Antilassa by Anticipating
2nd Dam: Thalassa 2nd by
3rd Dam: Caliope (Arg) by
B: Kcv Stable
$75,820 Lifetime: 51-18-7-9, $937,338
2-- Traverse City, 120, f, 2025, by Halo
1st Dam: Cherry Jubilee by Coastal
2nd Dam: Cherry Willow by Pia Star
3rd Dam: Willow Dare by
B: Charles Armstrong
$21,940 Lifetime: 31-10-9-10, $495,632
3-- Dust Bucket, 116, m, 2025, by Spend a Buck
1st Dam: Fleet Regatta by
2nd Dam: Dress Ship by
3rd Dam: Laughter by Bold Ruler
B: Michael Riordan & Jacqueline G. Phillips
$12,067 Lifetime: 25-8-4-4, $310,692

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