Black Type Race

Jim Dandy S. - G2, $0, SAR,

08/04/96, , 1 1/8m, 1:47.20, FT
Margins: nk, 15, 3 Odds: 2.1, 4.4, 40.25
1-- Louis Quatorze, 124, h, 32, by Sovereign Dancer
1st Dam: On to Royalty by On to Glory
2nd Dam: Royal Ties by Distinctive
3rd Dam: New Love by Pardal (Fr)
B: Georgia E. Hofmann
$90,000 Lifetime: 12-5-3-0, $882,908
2-- Will's Way, 114, h, 32, by Easy Goer
1st Dam: Willamae by Tentam
2nd Dam: Raclette by Hoist the Flag
3rd Dam: Lauries Dancer by
B: Robert Quinichett
$30,000 Lifetime: 5-3-1-1, $115,000
3-- Secreto de Estado, 114, g, 32, by General Assembly
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Morgan's Ford Farm
$16,500 Lifetime: 9-2-0-2, $50,130

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