Black Type Race

Hannoverschen Deutscher Stutenpreis - G3, €74,250, HNO,

09/08/96, , 1 3/8m, 2:28.60, T, TF
Margins: 2 1/2, 1 1/2, no Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Anno Luce (GB), 121, m, 2025, by Old Vic (GB)
1st Dam: Anna Paola (Ger) by Prince Ippi (Ger)
2nd Dam: Antwerpen (Ger) by Waldcanter (Ger)
3rd Dam: Adelsweihe (Ger) by
B: Haras Santa Olga
$48,590 Lifetime: 8-3-3-1, $129,478
2-- The Blade (Ger), 121, f, 2025, by Sure Blade
1st Dam: Thea (Ger) by Sholokhov (Ire)
2nd Dam: Theresa (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Tamina (Ger) by
$19,436 Lifetime: 5-3-1-0, $33,470
3-- Night Petticoat (Ger), 121, m, 2025, by Petoski (GB)
1st Dam: Nightrockette (Ger) by Rocket (GB)
2nd Dam: Nightlife (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Nigeria (GB) by
$9,718 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1, $169,080

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