Black Type Race

Kentucky Cup Sprint Handicap - G2, $0, TP,

09/21/96, , 6f, 1:08.20, SY
Margins: 2, 2, nk Odds: 7.9, 1.1, 2.9
1-- Appealing Skier, 118, h, 32, by Baldski
1st Dam: Jealous Appeal by Valid Appeal
2nd Dam: Jealous Cat by Tapit
3rd Dam: Only The Loyal by
B: Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
$97,500 Lifetime: 11-6-1-0, $351,040
2-- Capote Belle, 119, m, 2025, by Capote
1st Dam: Rythmical by Fappiano
2nd Dam: Graceful Gal by Curlin
3rd Dam: Cloon by Lure
B: F. A. Genter Stable, Inc.
$40,000 Lifetime: 7-4-3-0, $282,000
3-- Delay Of Game, 114, g, 32, by Summer Squall
1st Dam: Wimbledon by Wild Rush
2nd Dam: Strawberry Clover by Darn That Alarm
3rd Dam: Strawberry Burrah by Princely Pleasure
B: Gumberg Marcia M.
$20,000 Lifetime: 7-4-0-2, $117,086

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