Black Type Race

Kenora S. (R) $72,980, WO,

09/02/96, , 6f, 1:09.80, FT
Margins: 1 1/2, 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 8.65, 16.1, 5.2
1-- Parisianprospector, 116, h, 32, by Geiger Counter
1st Dam: Parisian Gladiator by Great Gladiator
2nd Dam: French Knot by Ruritania
3rd Dam: Sew To Bed by
B: Carey John
$61,950 Lifetime: 15-5-3-3, $215,270
2-- Deputy Inxs, 115, c, 2025, by Silver Deputy
1st Dam: Roman Heroine by
2nd Dam: Princess Doll by
3rd Dam: True Dawn by
B: McArthur, Allan C.
$20,650 Lifetime: 24-4-8-6, $145,185
3-- Glanmire, 121, c, 2025, by Briartic
1st Dam: On My Account by
2nd Dam: Blind Raise by
3rd Dam: Rullah Good by Nasrullah
B: Schickedanz Gustav
$11,357 Lifetime: 36-8-8-7, $372,248

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