Black Type Race

Boojum Handicap - G2, $0, BEL,

10/06/96, , 6f, 1:08.60, FT
Margins: 2, 3/4, no Odds: 8.9, 1.75, 25.25
1-- Lord Carson, 116, h, 33, by Carson City
1st Dam: Bedgay's Lady by Lord Gaylord
2nd Dam: Lady Beddard by Beddard
3rd Dam: Lady King by With Approval
B: David P. Reynolds
$105,000 Lifetime: 26-12-5-0, $596,592
2-- Honour and Glory, 119, h, 32, by Relaunch
1st Dam: Fair to All by Al Nasr (Fr)
2nd Dam: Gonfalon by Francis S.
3rd Dam: Grand Splendor by Correlation
B: Overbrook Farm
$35,000 Lifetime: 15-6-5-1, $1,082,942
3-- Splendid Sprinter, 110, c, 2025, by Valid Appeal
1st Dam: Rexonette by
2nd Dam: Chief Linda by
3rd Dam: Dream Path by
B: John Franks
$19,250 Lifetime: 15-6-4-3, $190,408

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