Black Type Race

Posuwaegeh Handicap (R) €0, SFE,

08/17/96, , 6f, 1:11.00, FT
Margins: 3, 4, 2 3/4 Odds: 0.5, 3.3, 6
1-- Shadow Cheryl, 122, h, 2025, by Just a Tab
1st Dam: Springitfast by
2nd Dam: Springtown by
3rd Dam: Windsor Belle by
B: Dale Mitchek
$5,340 Lifetime: 17-8-3-1, $45,762
2-- Idunceedawn, 116, f, 2025, by Dawn of Creation
1st Dam: Dunce's Miss by
2nd Dam: Pinpoint by Peaks and Valleys
3rd Dam: Identify by Halo
B: V. J. Callaway
$1,780 Lifetime: 21-3-7-4, $15,908
3-- So Told, 117, f, 2025, by Bold Ego
1st Dam: Told Tale by
2nd Dam: Ms. Naskra by
3rd Dam: Cord by
B: Coleman Barbara M.
$890 Lifetime: 24-6-5-2, $30,557

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