Black Type Race

Cork And Orrery S. - G3, £135,201, ASC,

06/20/96, , 6f, 1:14.00, T, TF
Margins: 1, nk, nk Odds: 12, 20, 20
1-- Atraf (GB), 118, h, 32, by Clantime (NTB)
1st Dam: Flitteriss Park (GB) by Beldale Flutter
2nd Dam: Geopelia (GB) by
3rd Dam: Little Bird (GB) by
B: Fitzroy Stud
J: Carson W
$53,096 Lifetime: 13-4-4-2, $122,439
2-- Catch The Blues (Ire), 122, m, 33, by Bluebird
1st Dam: Dear Lorraine (Fr) by Nonoalco
2nd Dam: Native Loraine by Raise a Native
3rd Dam: Betty Loraine by Prince John
T: O'Brien A P
J: Roche C
$20,116 Lifetime: 14-1-4-3, $40,738
3-- Watch Me (Ire), 115, m, 2025, by Pug's Hart
1st Dam: Fenny Rough (Ire) by
2nd Dam: Geraldville (Ire) by
3rd Dam: by
T: Hannon R
J: Hills M
$9,865 Lifetime: 6-1-2-1, $18,763

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