Black Type Race

Dance Smartly S. - G2, $349,080, WO,

07/11/09, , 1 1/8m, 1:45.51, T, TF
Margins: 2 1/4, 1 1/2, hd Odds: 13.05, 3.4, 2.35
1-- Points of Grace, 113, m, 20, by Point Given
1st Dam: Fateful by Topsider
2nd Dam: Fate's Reward by Key to the Mint
3rd Dam: Cast The Die by Olden Times (GB)
O: Live Oak Plantation
B: Thoroughbred Corp
T: Pierce Malcolm
J: Contreras Luis
$154,566 Lifetime: 8-5-2-0, $295,532
2-- Ginger Brew, 118, m, 20, by Milwaukee Brew
1st Dam: Coral Necklace by Conquistador Cielo
2nd Dam: Private Banking by Private Account
3rd Dam: Flag Waver by Hoist the Flag
O: Stronach Stables
B: Adena Springs
T: Frankel Robert J
J: Kabel T K
$60,109 Lifetime: 12-5-4-2, $855,136
3-- Mushka, 117, m, 20, by Empire Maker
1st Dam: Sluice by Seeking the Gold
2nd Dam: Lakeway by Seattle Slew
3rd Dam: Milliardaire by Alydar
O: Brushwood Stable
B: Diane Snowden
T: Mott William I
J: Husbands P
$28,337 Lifetime: 13-4-2-3, $355,325

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