Black Type Race

Durham Cup S. - G3, $175,987, WO,

10/11/08, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.29, A, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 1, 1 1/2 Odds: 5.8, 2.7, 5.1
1-- Palladio, 115, h, 2025, by Lycius
1st Dam: Gioia by Mari's Book
2nd Dam: Hanako (Fr) by Exbury (Fr)
3rd Dam: Olympica (Fr) by
O: Haras Santa Maria De Araras
B: Haras Santa Maria De Araras
T: Attfield Roger
J: Dos Ramos R A
$76,239 Lifetime: 27-7-1-3, $756,524
2-- Marchfield, 118, h, 21, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Pico Teneriffe by Red Ransom
2nd Dam: Ballerina Princess by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Aladancer by Northern Dancer
O: Melnyk Racing Stables Inc
B: Melnyk Eugene
T: Casse Mark
J: Husbands P
$27,954 Lifetime: 15-4-6-0, $558,958
3-- Artie Hot, 121, g, 21, by Black Minnaloushe
1st Dam: Dyrce by Sandpit (Brz)
2nd Dam: Amydar by Wild Again
3rd Dam: Lucy Black by Alydar
O: Tucci Stables
B: Richard Rowan
T: Gonzalez Nicholas
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$13,977 Lifetime: 29-5-3-4, $351,313

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