Black Type Race

Edward J. Debartolo Sr. Mem B C Hcp - L, $0, RP,

09/03/07, , 1 1/8m, 1:48.51, T, FM
Margins: 1, 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 17, 19.8, 10.4
1-- Brego, 116, h, 23, by In Excess (Ire)
1st Dam: Cheshire Cat (Ire) by Ezzoud (Ire)
2nd Dam: Riyda (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Rilasa (Fr) by St. Paddy (GB)
O: Varni Paul J
B: Denise B. Tyler
T: Jackson Bruce L
J: Eramia Richard E
$90,000 Lifetime: 19-4-6-1, $200,789
2-- Almost Certain, 116, h, 22, by Favorite Trick
1st Dam: Wishes and Roses by Greinton (GB)
2nd Dam: Anniversary Wish by Beau's Eagle
3rd Dam: Dinner Music by Raise a Cup
O: Evans Bart B
B: Evans Bart
T: Evans Bart B
J: Taylor L
$30,000 Lifetime: 14-4-2-3, $187,875
3-- Smooth Bid, 117, h, 23, by Rubiano
1st Dam: Miss Fizz by Spectacular Bid
2nd Dam: Mountain Memory by High Top (Ire)
3rd Dam: Chanced by Revoked
O: Dakota Stables & Asmussen Steve
B: Margaret Addis
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Berry M C
$11,000 Lifetime: 25-8-4-6, $300,758

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