Black Type Race

Grey Breeders' Cup S. - G3, $270,895, WO,

10/05/08, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.45, A, FT
Margins: 1/2, 1/2, no Odds: 6.25, 7.65, 3.55
1-- Mine That Bird, 117, h, 19, by Birdstone
1st Dam: Mining My Own by Smart Strike
2nd Dam: Aspenelle by Vice Regent
3rd Dam: Little To Do by Dynastic
O: Dominion Bloodstock Ball D & Hghr I
B: Needham/Betz Thoroughbreds
T: Cotey David
J: Sutherland C
$138,705 Lifetime: 5-4-0-0, $304,381
2-- Bear's Conductor, 115, h, 19, by Congaree
1st Dam: Symphonic Lady by Blare of Trumpets
2nd Dam: Wavering Lady by Wavering Monarch
3rd Dam: Pia's Lady by Pia Star
O: Bear Stables Ltd
B: Stonerside Stable & Heiligbrodt Rac
T: Baker Reade
J: Da Silva Eurico
$46,235 Lifetime: 4-1-1-0, $88,837
3-- Stimulus Plan, 118, h, 19, by Jump Start
1st Dam: Dutchess Alexandra by Judge Smells
2nd Dam: Courting Days by
3rd Dam: Admiring by Hail to Reason
O: Nuckols Charles III
B: Charles Nuckols, Jr. & Sons
T: Casse Mark
J: Husbands P
$25,429 Lifetime: 3-1-1-1, $73,464

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