Black Type Race

Kingarvie S. (R) $125,000, WO,

12/01/07, , 1 1/16m, 1:46.44, A, FT
Margins: nk, 2, 1/2 Odds: 4.05, 0.9, 15.55
1-- Delaforce, 118, g, 20, by Porto Foricos
1st Dam: Sheza a Nine Plus by Spend a Buck
2nd Dam: Dona Perfecta by Little Current
3rd Dam: Fleet Jill by Fleet Nasrullah
O: Parsley Ken & Pettifer Rick
B: K. Parsley & R. Pettifer
T: Gonzalez Nicholas
J: Jones Jono
$75,000 Lifetime: 4-2-0-1, $119,281
2-- Lady's First Cat, 115, c, 2025, by D'Wildcat
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Pastorek John & Jessica
B: John Pastorek
T: Attard Tino
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$25,000 Lifetime: 6-0-1-5, $72,596
3-- Promising Dancer, 116, g, 20, by A Fleets Dancer
1st Dam: Promising West by West By West
2nd Dam: Promising Dawn by
3rd Dam: Magnificent Dawn by Grey Memo
O: 1093111 Ontario Inc
B: 1093111 Ontario, Inc.
T: Yu Danny
J: Garcia D
$13,750 Lifetime: 4-1-0-1, $37,413

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