Black Type Race

Niagara S. (R) $0, FL,

07/12/08, , 6f, 1:12.11, FT
Margins: no, 3/4, 2 1/2 Odds: 1.25, 1.7, 5.7
1-- Karakorum Katie, 118, f, 2025, by Pure Prize
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Karakorum Farm
B: Dr. Jerry Bilinski & Dr. Anina Lacour
T: Jerkens James A
J: Davila J R Jr
$30,000 Lifetime: 7-3-0-0, $87,147
2-- Afleet Alexandra, 119, f, 2025, by Northern Afleet
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Blue Star Stable
B: Very Un Stable
T: Ferraro Michael
J: Flores Jeremias
$10,000 Lifetime: 6-3-1-2, $50,180
3-- Amalfi Drive, 117, m, 20, by Desert Warrior
1st Dam: Carson Countess by Lord Carson
2nd Dam: Alexandra's Maid by
3rd Dam: Nancy's Scout by West Coast Scout
O: Very Un Stable
B: Ewald Wayne
T: Ferraro Michael
J: Rodriguez P A
$5,000 Lifetime: 6-2-1-2, $29,198

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