Black Type Race

Ontario Derby - L, $155,040, WO,

09/28/08, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.38, A, FT
Margins: nk, 4 3/4, 3 Odds: 5.6, 2.8, 0.85
1-- Sand Cove, 119, h, 20, by Bold Executive
1st Dam: Mythical Status by Mythical Ruler
2nd Dam: Little Beaver by Elocutionist
3rd Dam: Gaelic Logic by Bold Reason
O: Johnson Ralph
B: James A Everatt Janeane A Everatt &
T: Attfield Roger
J: Dos Ramos R A
$95,852 Lifetime: 15-5-2-1, $334,171
2-- Secret Getaway, 121, h, 2025, by Skip Away
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sand & Cee Stables
B: Parrish Hill Farm
T: Stidham Michael
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$29,046 Lifetime: 8-4-2-0, $258,514
3-- Sligovitz, 118, g, 20, by Sligo Bay (Ire)
1st Dam: Ms. Deep Pockets by Buckaroo
2nd Dam: On The Square by In Reality
3rd Dam: Square Grouper by Wildcat Heir
O: Stronach Stables
B: Adena Springs
T: Lynch Brian A
J: Husbands P
$17,573 Lifetime: 10-3-2-3, $247,026

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