Black Type Race

Santa Anita Handicap - G1, $0, SA,

03/03/07, , 1 1/4m, 2:02.11, FT
Margins: 3/4, 1 1/2, no Odds: 0.6, 7.6, 9.5
1-- Lava Man, 124, h, 24, by Slew City Slew
1st Dam: Li'l Ms. Leonard by Nostalgia's Star
2nd Dam: Pink Native by Be a Native
3rd Dam: Pink Khal by Khalex
O: Std Racing Stable & Wood Jason
B: Lonnie Arterburn, Eve Kuhlmann & Kimkuhlmann
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Nakatani C S
$600,000 Lifetime: 37-16-7-3, $4,679,706
2-- Molengao (Brz), 116, h, 24, by Royal Academy
1st Dam: Court Lady (Brz) by Locris (Fr)
2nd Dam: Redbrick (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Rosambre (GB) by
O: Stud Tnt
B: Stud Tnt
T: Lobo Paulo H
J: Espinoza V
$200,000 Lifetime: 13-3-2-5, $496,510
3-- Boboman, 116, h, 24, by Kingmambo
1st Dam: Slewvera by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Hedgeabout by Riva Ridge
3rd Dam: Roundabend by Never Bend
O: Wertheimer & Frere
B: Wertheimer & Frere
T: Mandella Richard E
J: Solis A
$120,000 Lifetime: 12-4-0-3, $359,346

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