Black Type Race

National S. - G1, €247,599, CGH,

09/12/09, , 7f, 1:33.63, T, SF
Margins: nk, 1 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 2.25, 4.5, 25
1-- Kingsfort, 127, h, 18, by War Chant
1st Dam: Princess Kris (GB) by Kris (GB)
2nd Dam: As You Desire Me (Ire) by Kalamoun (GB)
3rd Dam: Royal Saint (GB) by
B: Airlie Stud
T: Prendergast Kevin
J: McDonogh D P
$219,056 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $235,585
2-- Chabal (Ire), 127, c, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Bolger J S
J: Manning K J
$72,970 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $90,259
3-- Beethoven (Ire), 127, h, 18, by Oratorio (Ire)
1st Dam: Queen Titi (Ire) by Sadler's Wells
2nd Dam: Litani River by Irish River (Fr)
3rd Dam: Luv Luvin' by Raise a Native
T: O'Brien A P
J: Kinane M J
$36,485 Lifetime: 6-1-1-2, $83,314

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