Black Type Race

Bayou Breeders' Cup H. - L, $0, FG,

03/26/10, , 1 1/8m, 1:50.29, T, FM
Margins: hd, 1 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 0.7, 8.8, 2.3
1-- Tizaqueena, 123, m, 20, by Tiznow
1st Dam: Issaqueena by Mr. Prospector
2nd Dam: Ziggy's Act by Danzig
3rd Dam: Comedy Act by Shecky Greene
O: Darley Stable
B: Stonerside Stable
T: Stidham Michael
J: Bridgmohan S X
$60,000 Lifetime: 13-7-3-1, $538,956
2-- A She's Adorable, 115, m, 19, by Johar
1st Dam: She's Scrumpy by Squadron Leader
2nd Dam: Anisha by Danski
3rd Dam: Gato Numero Uno by Comet Kat
O: Maas Phillip S
B: Maas Philip S.
T: Stidham Michael
J: Hernandez B J Jr
$20,000 Lifetime: 7-3-3-1, $107,200
3-- Never Retreat, 119, h, 20, by Smart Strike
1st Dam: Lisieux by Steady Growth
2nd Dam: Gay Sonnet by Sailor
3rd Dam: Gay Rig by Turn-to
O: Team Block
B: Gerry O'Meara & Stanley Inman
T: Scherer Richard R
J: Graham J
$10,000 Lifetime: 15-3-4-5, $261,775

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