Black Type Race

Princess Of Wales's S. - G2, $98,468, NKT,

07/10/08, , 1 1/2m, 2:33.37, T, SF
Margins: 1 1/4, 1 3/4, 6 Odds: 6, 2, 22
1-- Lucarno, 133, h, 21, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Vignette by Diesis (GB)
2nd Dam: Be Exclusive (Ire) by Be My Guest
3rd Dam: Exclusive Fable by Exclusive Native
O: Mr George Strawbridge
B: Augustin Stable
T: Gosden John H M
J: Fortune J
$112,172 Lifetime: 11-5-2-0, $1,145,094
2-- Papal Bull (GB), 128, h, 22, by Montjeu (Ire)
1st Dam: Mialuna (GB) by Zafonic
2nd Dam: Mamaluna by Roberto
3rd Dam: Kadesh by Lucky Mel
O: Papal Bull Syndicate
T: Stoute Sir Michael
J: Moore R L
$42,521 Lifetime: 17-6-2-1, $569,944
3-- Petara Bay (Ire), 128, g, 21, by Peintre Celebre
1st Dam: Magnificient Style by Silver Hawk
2nd Dam: Mia Karina by Jazil
3rd Dam: Tabadabado by Gilded Time
O: Mrs B Ecclestone
T: Mills T G
J: Crowley J
$21,280 Lifetime: 11-2-0-2, $69,311

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