Black Type Race

Champagne Lanson Sprint S. - G3, £64,008, SNP,

07/05/08, , 5f, 1:00.40, T, TF
Margins: nk, 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 3, 12, 1.63
1-- Ancien Regime (Ire), 124, c, 2025, by King's Best
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktoum
T: Jarvis M A
J: Dettori L
$73,178 Lifetime: 7-3-1-1, $152,548
2-- Prime Defender (GB), 129, h, 21, by Bertolini
1st Dam: Arian Da (GB) by Superlative (Ire)
2nd Dam: Nell Of The North by
3rd Dam: Sprinkle Power by
O: S Falle; M Franklin; J Sumsion
T: Hills B W
J: Hills M
$27,740 Lifetime: 20-4-4-3, $220,739
3-- Hoh Mike (Ire), 129, c, 2025, by Intikhab
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Mr M Lynch & The Late Mr D Allport
T: Bell M L W
J: Spencer J P
$13,884 Lifetime: 19-5-4-2, $266,970

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