Black Type Race

Lennox S. - G2, £152,633, GWD,

07/29/08, , 7f, 1:26.59, T, TF
Margins: nk, 2 1/2, hd Odds: 7, 14, 12
1-- Paco Boy (Ire), 121, h, 20, by Desert Style (Ire)
1st Dam: Tappen Zee (Ire) by Sandhurst Prince (Ire)
2nd Dam: Rossaldene (GB) by Mummy's Pet (GB)
3rd Dam: Palestra (GB) by
O: The Calvera Partnership No 2
T: Hannon R
J: Hughes R
$173,938 Lifetime: 7-5-0-1, $320,558
2-- Stimulation (Ire), 121, h, 20, by Choisir (Aus)
1st Dam: Damiana (Ire) by Thatching (Ire)
2nd Dam: Derena (Fr) by Crystal Palace (Fr)
3rd Dam: Dedra (Fr) by
O: Mr Michael Kerr-Dineen
T: Morrison H
J: Drowne S
$65,935 Lifetime: 8-2-4-0, $152,346
3-- Dunelight (Ire), 128, c, 2025, by Desert Sun (GB)
1st Dam: Badee'a (Ire) by Marju (Ire)
2nd Dam: Miss Gris by Hail the Pirates
3rd Dam: Beau Gris by Diligence
O: Mr & Mrs P Hargreaves
T: Cox C G
J: Robinson P
$32,999 Lifetime: 23-5-5-6, $383,685

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