Black Type Race

Ballyogan S. - G3, €165,480, LEP,

06/04/08, , 6f, 1:14.64, T, TF
Margins: hd, 1 1/4, 1/2 Odds: 8, 16, 2.25
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bourne William T
T: Oxx John M
J: Berry F M
$70,311 Lifetime: 7-3-3-0, $125,011
1st Dam: Ocean Grove (Ire) by Fairy King
2nd Dam: Leyete Gulf (Ire) by Slip Anchor (GB)
3rd Dam: Shellshock by Salvo (GB)
O: Bourne William T
T: Ryan K A
J: Lynch F
$21,634 Lifetime: 11-2-2-2, $112,986
3-- Cartimandua (GB), 132, f, 2025, by Medicean (GB)
1st Dam: Agrippina (GB) by Timeless Times
2nd Dam: Boadicea's Chariot (Ire) by Commanche Run (GB)
3rd Dam: Indigine by
O: Bourne William T
T: McMahon E S
J: Gibbons G
$10,817 Lifetime: 7-3-1-1, $88,373

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