Black Type Race

Pr Dollar - G2, €129,995, LCP,

10/04/08, , 1m374y, 2:03.50, T, TF
Margins: hd, 2, hd Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Trincot (Fr), 121, h, 2025, by Peintre Celebre
1st Dam: Royal Lights (Fr) by Royal Academy
2nd Dam: Million Lights (Ire) by Cadeaux Genereux (GB)
3rd Dam: Fire Flash (GB) by
O: Scea Ecurie Bader
T: Demercastel P
J: Mendizabal I
$102,310 Lifetime: 13-4-2-2, $259,084
2-- Loup Breton (Ire), 130, h, 21, by Anabaa
1st Dam: Louve by Irish River (Fr)
2nd Dam: Louveterie by Nureyev
3rd Dam: Lupe 2nd by
O: Ecurie Wildenstein
T: Lellouche Elie
J: Crastus A
$39,488 Lifetime: 12-3-2-2, $364,836
3-- The Bogberry, 121, h, 20, by Hawk Wing
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: S Efros
B: March Thoroughbreds
T: De Royer-Dupre A
J: Soumillon C
$18,847 Lifetime: 7-2-0-2, $144,143

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