Black Type Race

Molecomb S. - G3, £203,893, GWD,

07/31/07, , 5f, 0:57.96, T, TF
Margins: nk, 2 1/2, 1 3/4 Odds: 8, 4, 5.5
1st Dam: Millennium Tale (Fr) by Distant Relative (Ire)
2nd Dam: The Bean Sidhe (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Whiskey Mountain by
O: The Searchers
B: Mrs Bernadette Hayden
T: Noseda J
J: Murtagh J
$57,771 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $63,580
2-- Kingsgate Native (Ire), 126, g, 20, by Mujadil
1st Dam: Native Force (Ire) by Indian Ridge (Ire)
2nd Dam: La Pellegrina (Ire) by Be My Guest
3rd Dam: Spanish Habit (GB) by
O: Mr John Mayne
T: Best J R
J: Baker G
$21,896 Lifetime: 2-0-2-0, $45,430
1st Dam: Delphinus (GB) by Soviet Star
2nd Dam: Scimitarra (GB) by Kris (GB)
3rd Dam: Fanghorn by Crocket (GB)
O: Mr R C Bond
T: Smart B
J: Ffrench R
$10,958 Lifetime: 6-2-1-2, $47,411

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